Einsurance Brokers LTD

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Einsurance Brokers LTD

Client Details

Einsurance Brokers Limited

Services Provided

Web Development, Domain Registration and Web Hosting

Project Timeline

14 Days for Web Design, 35 Days for Web Development

Project Overview

Einsurance brokers limited is an innovative, agile and experienced insurance advisory company incorporated in Kenya. They are licensed and regulated by insurance Regulatory Authority (IRA). They have a vision to be an economic value creator partner of choice to customers. They aspire to inspire economic growth in our economy through a carefully crafted risk management strategy to all stakeholders especially customers.

Einsurance Limited is not only an online insurance marketplace for products and services. Einsurance Limitred is also a marketplace for ideas. Their researchers, and industry experts all work together to inform consumers about financial risk management. Whether you’re buying your first car insurance policy or finding health insurance for your new family, Einsurance Limited provides information that is relevant to your choice.


Website Design and Development





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